

If you want to arrange a baptism please see Fr Philip after Mass on Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

The start of something very special

Our Baptism Preparation Team

Fr. Philip Inch

Maureen O’Brien

Ann Pepper

Pauline Crabtree

Joanne Owen

Lil Jones

Lisa Lakey

Holy Rosary Presbytery
Liverpool L10 2LG

Tel: 0151 526 8468

The beginning of a new life is exciting; it can also be a little frightening.

You will have already prayed that your baby will grow safe and well.

Baptism is a time of celebration. It is something for you and your family, but it is also a special time for all the other members of the Church because the Church is to welcome new members.

Baptism is a time for you to grow in faith. You may be doing this week by week as you live out and celebrate your faith, but for some we recognise that things may have stunted this growth out of your control or by personal times of hardship. Maybe at times people in the Church have not always lived up to the gospel of love and this has “put people off”. The baptism of your child may be an opportunity to renew your Christian faith and begin again.  (We have a programme called RCIA – please ask about it.)

When your child is baptised, you embark with them on a life-long journey of intimacy with Jesus. There will be special times on that journey and we will walk the path with you.

You may be anxious if you’ve been out of touch with church for a while, or if you or your partner is not a Catholic or if you are a single parent or if you are just not sure. Don’t worry.

We hope that you will feel welcome and part of the community that is the Catholic Church of Holy Rosary.  (We have a Children’s chapel by the church door, we have a children’s church at 1030 Mass each Sunday as well as our Catholic schools.)

If you have any questions or just want to talk about something, please use this time now.

  • Come to Mass and arrange to see Fr Philip to book a date for your child’s Baptism. (It is best not to make any other arrangements until you have been given a date.)
  • Baptisms are usually at 12 noon on a Sunday. The Welcome Mass will usually be the 1st Sunday of the month.
  • Fr. Philip will tell you about the Baptism Preparation meeting, led by our Baptism Catechists. This is one session, for parents, at the start of the month of the baptism of your child. It takes place on Sunday morning after the Mass of Welcome. It is held in the Meeting Room, The Romero Room, between the Presbytery and the Church. It will last about 30 minutes. It begins straight after Mass with tea and coffee.
  • The Welcome Mass is usually at 10.30am on a Sunday.  At this Mass you will state your intentions to bring your child up in the practise of the faith. The parish community on behalf of the whole Catholic family will welcome your child into the household of Christ.
  • You must come to the Mass of Welcome as it is the start of the Baptism, if you are unable to come, we will help you to find a new date for the Baptism.
  • A few weeks later you, your child, the Godparents and guests will come to the Church for the celebration of the Baptism. The usual day and time for Baptisms is Sunday at 12.00 noon.
  • Godparents: you need to choose people who are committed Christians, who will help you bring up your child in the Catholic faith. They do not all have to be Catholics, but at least one must be a practising Catholic, someone confirmed who comes to Mass. They have to be 16+ and you only need one godparent, but you can have more.
  • How much does it cost? Baptism is a gift from God – but if you can make a donation towards the costs of running the Church it would be greatly appreciated.
  • We look forward to celebrating Baptism with you.